Be sure to stop by the community-draw area where all are welcomed to make their mark! This is a family friendly, free, accessible event. We suggest coming through once mid-morning, and again at the end of the day to see the finished work. If you miss the actual event, take a walk and see it all before rain washes it away.
Artists are invited to reserve a 3′ x 3′ or 4′ x 4′ square of pavement on which to draw a design of their choosing.
Approximately 30 spots along the Harborwalk–as well as locations throughout downtown Belfast and Steamboat Landing Park– are marked out, assigned to a registered artist, and ready for drawing. Experienced artists seeking one of two larger area can inquire upon registering.
While advanced registration is required, participation is free; chalks, rags, knee pads and water are provided, along with a slew of tips and resources for newbies. All that is needed is family-friendly subject matter–artists can let Chalk Walk planners know about their ideas ahead of time. Organizers at Waterfall Arts encourage artists of all sorts to give this drawing festival a shot.
Those uneasy about being watched while working may reserve one of a limited number of spots to be completed the day before the event. Waterfall Arts is specifically looking for chalkers to draw up way-finding arrows on September 22.
Young artists are always encouraged at All Ages Art Happenings hosted by Waterfall Arts. Artists under age 15 can register for a 3′ x 3′ spot, alongside fellow up-and-comers while anyone (and everyone) is welcomed to draw in the community drawing area.
The Belfast Chalk Walk is free to the public; donations are very much welcomed to cover the cost of supplies.
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
the Belfast, ME Harbor Walk
Katherine Devereux
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PO Box 58, Belfast, Maine 04915 – (207) 338-5900 –