Dive deep into the world of Mechanical Arts with the OHTM’s Engine Skills 101 class! Weekly drop-in art sessions for adults of all abilities Printmaking I is a 6-week introduction to creating images and using printmaking equipment, cutting tools, and various inks. No previous experience required. PRINTMAKING OPEN STUDIO (FRIDAY) @ Waterfall Arts. Fridays, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm. Start a new project or finish something you have started. Enjoy this one-day upcycling workshop with artist Kim Bernard, participants will create their own To-Go kit using all recycled materials. PRINTMAKING OPEN STUDIO (SATURDAY): KENNEDY PRESS @ Waterfall Arts. Saturdays, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm. Start a new project or finish something you have started. A Dark Skies program to guide participants with information needed to see the auroral borealis in Maine.
OHTM Engine Skills 101
Creative Cafe at the YMCA (Formerly Community Art Time)
Printmaking I
Printmaking Open Studio @ Waterfall Arts
Green To-Go with Kim Bernard
Printmaking Open Studio @ Waterfall Arts
Aurora Borealis Watch: Presentation by Elizabeth Dickerson