In the scenic coastal community of Belfast, Maine, a lobster named Passy Pete is prepared for his annual ritual of predicting if summer will last 6 more weeks or if we will see an early winter.
Monday Sep 5, 2022
Heritage Park, Lower Main St. Belfast, ME Free
The clairvoyant crustacean has come out of pristine Belfast Harbor for the last 7 years with his highly anticipated predictions. He communicates the prophecy to a select group of local residents who call themselves the Belfast Barons, using scrolls which are safely preserved in a glass case at the local chamber of commerce during the intervening months, and are brought out each Labor Day.
A subject of local, national and international interest, Passy Pete is named after the local Passagassawakeag (or “Passy”) River flowing into Belfast Bay. His handlers, the Belfast Barons, treat him with the utmost dignity and return him to the harbor after each year’s prediction. No butter or boiling water is involved in this annual ritual. Date and Time
9:00 AM - 9:30 PM EDT