Four Maine comics (Crystal Bernard, Adam Hatch, Leonard Kimble and Nick Gordon) convene for an undeniably funny night on the storied Dreamland Stage at 7 p.m. on Saturday, May 14. After laughing along with Crystal, Leonard and Nick—featured comic Adam Hatch, who has performed with Bob Marley, Juston McKinney, and legendary Letterman warmup comic Eddie Brill, will close out the show. Admission is $20 for all seats, with tickets available at the door or in advance on Eventbrite.
Saturday May 14, 2022
Colonial Theatre Admission is $20 for all seats, with tickets available at the door or in advance on Eventbrite.
207 338-1930Images
Date and Time
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
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A Comic Convergence in Downtown Belfast
A Comic Convergence in Downtown Belfa...