Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Fashion Event & Belfast Business Showcase
We're inviting Belfast Businesses to join us on Saturday, June 24, 4-9 pm for a Fashion Event and Business Showcase at Bayview Point Event Center, 15 Front Street.
This date coincides with Arts in the Park, the Event Center is located within walking distance from Heritage Park. Belfast Style will provide visitors another opportunity to experience all that Belfast has to offer as the Arts in the Park event winds down for the day.
Vendor Space will be located on the large, beautiful deck overlooking Belfast Marina and beyond to Penobscot Bay. Food, beverages and music will create a pleasant atmosphere for quests to shop.
Jewelry, Skin Care, Hair Stylists, Footwear, Undergarments, Florists, and others will make up the vendor space. Extensive publicity will provide exposure for each participating business, and make this event a destination for visitors.
Sustainable Fashion & Art-to-Wear.
A ticketed Fashion Show will take place at 7:00pm inside the event center, showcasing Sustainable Fashion and Art-to-Wear. This event is being coordinated by Alice Seeger of Belfast Fiberarts with Jieun Stehly (Jean) who has extensive experience with Fashion shows in NYC. This will be an opportunity for Florists, Hair stylists,
Appetizers and beverages will be served, and the clothing will be available for sale afterward.
We hope this will create exposure and sales for Belfast Businesses while showing off a little Belfast Style!
Visit Sponsorships page for more information.
If you have questions or ideas
Contact Alice Seeger of Belfast Fiberarts
Date and Time
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT