@ Waterfall ArtsFridays, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST
Start a new project or finish something you have started. Don’t let your lack of studio equipment be an obstacle! Waterfall Arts has well-furnished and staffed facilities for artists of all skill levels to drop in and work independently on their own projects. In addition to providing a workspace and tools, the studios at Waterfall Arts provide a forum for sharing ideas, developing techniques, and experimentation, as well as an opportunity for building community. Artists working in all disciplines are welcome and encouraged to get involved.
Drop-in rates are $20 for a 3-hour session. Maximum 5 artists during Open Studios.
About the Studio Monitor:
MF Morison hails from the west coast where she was primarily known as a metalsmith, apprenticing under Stieg Gusterman (Georgetown, CO) and Thomas Schlicting (Amsterdam). Using acid etch in many processes, she continued to explore this medium, resulting in attending S.F. Art Institute, studying printmaking under the tutelage of Michi Itami. While in SF, MF also worked out of U.C. Berkeley Open Studio and Fort Mason Print Department. Upon her arrival to Midcoast Maine, MF shelved printmaking for a time until she became aware of the Waterfall Arts Printmaking Studio. Since then she has been consistently enthralled and engaged with printmaking, primarily working with copper plate intaglio etching with use of embossment and chine colle.
Register for our open studios by calling 207-338-2222 or stopping by in-person.

Date and Time
Friday Dec 15, 2023
12:30 PM - 3:30 PM EST
Fridays, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm.
Waterfall Arts
256 High Street
Belfast, ME 04915
Drop-in rates are $20 for a 3-hour session.
Contact Information
Katherine Devereux
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