We are like fire: without tending to our personal needs, we burn out or sometimes, unintentionally, cause harm to ourselves and/or others. In a culture that promotes overworking and pleasing others, it’s hard to allow permission to tend to ourselves. When we give beyond our capacity, we easily feel stressed, exhausted, and spiritually drained. But when we tend to our inner fire and find balance, we feel energized and inspired. We are even able to nourish healthier relationships with others and the world. In this workshop, through prompts, exercises, and dialogue you will: I will offer guidance throughout and encourage you to dig deep, get concrete, and help you find your own answers.
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday, July 16th Investment: $55
Emma Schurink, Soul Winds Empowerment
Are you running on empty? Feeling uninspired? Do you struggle to make time to care for yourself or have a hard time saying no to others?
Date and Time
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM EDT
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