Family art workshops where parents and kids work together on a different project every month! Inspired by our 'Dark Skies' exhibit. Create custom snowglobes at Art Together Morning on Jan 4, 2025, 10 AM-12 PM! Shrinky Dinks, mini trees & sparkle. $15-$30/family. Register at After Hours Artist Talk with Marcie Jan Bronstein! She will share her ideas for creating a vital, inspiring studio practice. A Dark Skies program to guide participants with information needed to see the auroral borealis in Maine. Valentines day, the great american songbook, concert, maine music, maine events, scott cleveland, dan barrett, ann delaney, trombone, piano, voice, Gershwin Blue Hill Events, Time Travel to Tin Pan Alley, Musician, History, Workshop, Concert Midcoast Maine Valentine's Day Events, music and food, Searsport, Tin Pan Alley, The Great American Songbook, Bagaduce Music
Art Together Morning: Glowing Constellation Posters
Art Together Morning: Snowglobes
Artists After Hours & Artist Talk with Marcie Jan Bronstein
Aurora Borealis Watch: Presentation by Elizabeth Dickerson
Bagaduce Music - Special Valentine’s Eve Concert of The Great American Songbook
Bagaduce Music - Time Travel To Tin Pan Alley: Outstanding History and Music Workshop and Concert, Blue HIll
Bagaduce Music - Valentine’s Day Elegant Dinner and Concert at The Homeport Inn, Searsport