Join the Belfast Free Library for safely-distanced outdoor Halloween programs for families, kids, and teens this month! The library, in coordination with Belfast Parks and Recreation, will host a Halloween StoryWalk on Friday October 30 and Saturday, October 31. A StoryWalk is a marked trail featuring pages of a storybook posted on signboards along the route. StoryWalks were designed as a way to inspire parents, teachers, and caregivers to take young children outdoors and to enjoy reading stories together. Walking the trail while sharing a storybook promotes childhood literacy as well as outdoor activity for all ages. Starting at the Belfast Boathouse, the StoryWalk trail will make a loop by the water and back along the upper walk. The trail is self-paced and will be open anytime from Friday at 10:00am through sunset on Saturday. Special give-aways will be available on Friday 10:00 – noon. All library programs are free and open to the public. For more information contact 207-338-3884 ext. 24.
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Date and Time